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Compound Words in English

A compound word is a word made up from two or more other words joined together. They are often created to describe a new concept or idea and are thus neologisms‏‎. As a simple example, take the words foot and ball. These were brought together to describe the game:...

Regular and Irregular in English Grammar

Words in English are either Regular and Irregular. Regular means that when they change their form (for example, when they become plural) they follow the usual pattern. Irregular means, as you might expect, that they do not follow the usual pattern of most words....

Noun Phrases‏‎ in English Grammar

When we use nouns, we often use them with one or more other words to make a noun phrase. A noun phrase therefore is a group of words which contains a noun and one or more words that describe it further. Very often we put a determiner‏‎ in front of the noun to make a...

Adjectives as Nouns‎ & Vice Versa

Adjectives‏‎ normally tell us more about nouns e.g. {adjective} + {noun} rich + people poor + men Adjectives as Nouns However, we can also use an adjective as a noun by using this pattern: the + {adjective} We use this to talk about a group of people: The rich get...